Starting on July 8, users can nominate themselves for the announced Joomla Stack Exchange Pro Tempore Election.
Candidates should tell a bit about themselves and why they wish to become a diamond moderator and join the JSE moderation team.
To a large degree, what is expected of a moderator has been formed into carefully crafted documents over time -- some more philosophical than others -- here's just a small sample to inform and guide your thinking:
- A Theory of Moderation (2009)
- Moderator Pro Tempore (2010)
- Who are the diamond moderators, and what is their role? (2011)
- Experimenting with Pro Tempore elections (2018)
We didn't do a Question Collection so we don't get a Questionaire so let's mock one up and call it practice for the next election.
Unless a miracle occurs and we are able to forge a JSE Questionare in one week from this page, let's compile a list of questions here for the nominees. Here's the structure that I have in mind...
Though it seems somewhat counter-intuitive, questions posed to the candidates should be posted on this page as "answers".
Candidates should write their responses to questions into their self-nomination post (preferably in an itemised fashion).
If you like a question and really want to see the candidates answer it, upvote it. If you don't value a question or the answers that it would receive, downvote it. Candidates may wish to respond to all questions or merely the ones that are highest voted.
Leave comments under respective "answers" on this page if you wish the author to clarify the question or if you want to explain your downvote.
Populating this page with questions for candidates is important for at least two reasons:
It gets everyone in the community thinking about community governance. It's a pulse check. Is the current moderation team doing a good job? Is there anything lacking? Can anything be improved? What kind of a person would make a good addition? Where should we focus in the future?
It leads candidates about what things they can/should express in their candidacy pitch. Otherwise, we are more likely to see lackluster posts like:
Hi I'm Jason, I use Joomla and I like JSE. Vote for me! ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯
p.s. These elections are meant to be fun and engaging, so pitch in and enjoy yourself.